About Us
Founder Damian Costello
Damian believes that, to be commercially effective, innovation must be capable of being directed by business people using business logic.
In 2014, he started Decode to debunk the myths that surround innovation and put business leaders back in control of this vital source of ongoing competitive advantage.
A regular keynote speaker on the future of Medtech, Damian has almost 25 years’ experience in Industrial Design, Business Development and Innovation. He has delivered breakthrough strategies, business models, products, and services for clients in Ireland, Europe, North America and Asia.
Damian has worked with everything from start-ups to market leaders in Medtech, Pharma, Energy, IT and Financial Services.
Lead Consultant Damian Costello
As Decode's lead consultant, Damian offers an unusual combination of business acumen and creativity. A visionary and natural storyteller, he has proven to be both a safe pair of hands and a dynamic driver of change.
Damian has devoted his career to helping conservative organisations, in high pressure situations, make bold moves safely. He typically works as either an objective outsider or as a temporary member of the leadership team. His presence on a non-routine project ensures; that nothing slips between the cracks, that awkward problems get solved quickly and that the end results are exciting enough to be considered 'real' innovation.
Damian is a specialist in market disruptions, how they emerge, when they will hit, how defenders can minimise them and disruptors can maximise them. Damian is passionate about helping ordinary people master extraordinary opportunities. His current fascination is the mega-disruption of the the digital revolution*. He sees it having the same impact on business and society in the first half of the 21st Century, as electricity did in the late 19th.
* Internet of Things, Smart Devices, Cloud/Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Next Generation Social Media, Man Machine Interface, CryptoCurrency, and Quantum Computing